Special Sheets and Base Layers for Maltings

Requirements for breweries

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Requirements for breweries, maltings or millings

Paul Hedfeld GmbH manufactures and supplies all sizes of Special Sheets And Base Layers For Maltings for your malting or brewery.

The plates have the typical 1.8 x 20 mm or 2.0 x 20 mm perforations. Special dimensions are possible at any time. The plates are mainly made of stainless steel and are riveted, screwed or welded to the frames.

The frames are made of stainless steel or galvanized mild steel. Frames are made of angle material at the sides and are reinforced with flat material in the middle.

  • Normal steel, stainless steel
  • galvanized, welded, screwed, riveted
  • Round or square box shape
  • Dimensions according to your specifications

Related Files

data sheet - perforated metal plates / trays
61_Mills_perforated_metal_plates__trays.pdf 6 MB

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